Friday, 25 November 2011


I've been having short conversations with Julian for almost 6-8 months now, but it has always been me asking the questions, or initiating conversation. He's a good boy, and does answer all my questions but most of the time only I can understand him hehe!

So yesterday, after picking him up from his Playschool, whilst in the car we had the following conversation...

Julian: Amma, Julian bathed in school today.
Me: Really? That's good! Who gave you a bath?
Julian: Teacher Rose. Was nice.
Me: Wow! Was it really nice?
Julian: Yes, was nice. Julian bathed in cold water.
Me: (slightly shocked) Cold water? Are you sure darling? Was the water cold or hot?
Julian: Hot water....(then he started laughing... cheeky monkey)
Me: Did you like the hot water bath?
Julian: Yes it was nice. Julian wants mum mum(that's food in his language). Julian wants to eat rice and chicken curry.
Me: Alright, let's go home and have some rice and chicken curry.
Julian: Thank you Amma.

See? Such a lengthy conversation between my 24 ++ month old and me... And with such clarity of speech and thought.



  1. Hey, Girl

    Hope everything's well. Have a safe but speeedy delivery...


  2. Are you in labour yet?

    Or have you pop the little one out?

    Have a smooth and safe delivery, love.


  3. Hi babe, no I've not popped yet... just waiting for the moment... I still having 4 plus weeks left to go! touched 34 weeks today... what made you think I've gone into labour?... hehe must've been my absence from blog.
    Well, times are tough, with my SPD and now my new maid... gotta teach her everything from scratch! And that's not easy being 8.5 months pregnant with 2 kids...
    Will call ya one of these days yeah? Hope Isaac's doing well and you too!!!
