Saturday, 23 June 2012

Mesolipo And Julian...

Yes, I admit. I had Mesolipo for my post-baby tummy done yesterday, well it was a trial and done with a new product. I had it done to check out if the product works (and of course to soften the bulge... hehe). Normally we have procedures and try out machines and meds before prescribing it to patients... sorta like a guinea pig. Nice job, huh?

What I didn't realize was that it was going to be so painful! It was, yes I know I've got low (ok, NO) pain tolerance but it DID hurt... ALOT. sob... sob...

So I drove home, only to have Julian jump on my little guy always does, only this time I nearly collapsed in sheer agonizing pain... (got to change the needle size, maybe?)

So this is what he did...

Me: *sobbing... Julian, that really hurt me!
Julian: Amma, sorry Amma...What happened? Did you fall down at work?
Me: No, my tummy hurts. I did not fall anywhere.
Julian: That's right??? (his fav expression). Don't cry Amma darling. I'm here.
Me: *stares at him in surprise* I love you Julian...
Julian: I love you very very much Amma. Thiiiiiissss much *with arms open wide*

He just keeps reminding me, why I love him so... and pain was forgotten...

Would I have Mesolipo done again?... Well, if the tummy reduces... with a little alteration to the solution, I might!


  1. That's so sweet! I always thought that little girls are the ones who give so much of love away but as it turns out, so do boys!

    Can I be your guinea pig later?

  2. Completely agree, Jess... my little boy is such a smoochie smoochie haha! And little Genevieve is more a tomboy now than before!... How's the Baby Dragon?
